Oxford: Street portraits

Written by Nasir Hamid on June 23rd, 2011


These images were made a number of weeks ago but it took me longer than I expected to get through the Summer 8’s images so I apologise if you’re included in one of these shots and have been checking to see if your image has been posted 🙂

[Tech info]: Pentax 67

Man with curly moustache

This man had a great look but I couldn't get far enough back to get him all in for a full length because there was a wall behind me.

A couple on Broad street

Broad street.

Brasenose lane

This builder was working in Radcliffe Square and was heckling me as I was photographing someone else so I asked him if he wanted to be photographed and he agreed.

A student smoking

I quite liked this guy's russian looking t-shirt

Jay, I thought she had a cool look. We had a brief chat about photography and portrait competitions. A very pleasant girl that I hope to run into again around town some time.


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