On the last day of the current Meadow Lane ramps I went along to make some portraits of whoever was down there skating and riding for the last time before the ramps get demolished to make way for a brand new concrete skatepark. Along with lots of people I didn’t know there was a familiar and friendly face, BMX rider Alex Leech. Alex and I went to school together between the ages of 5 and 13. I hadn’t seen Alex is quite some years and it was so nice to bump into him and see that he was still riding a BMX, something he’s been doing since the 70’s. I’ve got some more portraits from the day but I haven’t finished the roll of film yet. I hope to document the building of the new skatepark as much as possible.
You can see my previous photography from the Meadow Lane ramps here.
[Tech info: Pentax 67 and 105mm lens, loaded with Fuji Acros 100, processed in Rodinal 1:50 for 13:30.

Alex Leech

Alex and family


I had a great chat with this guy about photography.

I can't remember if this guy was skating

Waiting in line
These are brilliant!
I’m the guy in charge of OWP and it’s absolutely made my year to see such great pictures from the park. Thanks so so much for taking these. These images have totally choked me up…. The ramps are getting torn up very soon, its great to see such momentos from the ramps…
Thanks for the amazing pic I’m the Scottish bloke with all the tattoos I met you last time at the ramps and just want to know how much it would cost me to get a family photo done of my family u can find me on Facebook Im now using the pic u done of me at the ramps as my profile pic with very good response ( very unusual for pics of me lol ) but once agen thanks and can’t wait to see the rest of the pics top marks on photography from me m8
2nd to last guy is very handsome