Here are two Fujiroids I made this afternoon while out for a family walk. I recently got a roll film back for my Mamiya Universal camera so that I can use film and Polaroid in so that’s the camera I took with me to test out the film holder. My first stop was the Meadow Land skatepark where I photographed Imogen on her BMX. We had a nice chat about film photography and she told me she uses a Holga which is a camera that has often intrigued me to try out but I’ve yet to get one. After leaving the skatepark I headed over to the Iffley Road sports centre with my wife and daughter to investigate the announcements we kept hearing from the tannoy over there. It turned out to be a running meet/competition for the British One Milers and as we sat down to watch some of the runners I noticed some activity on the other side of the race track which turned out to be a strong man competition. I also shot some expired slide film that I’m going to cross-process and I’ll post those shots at a later time if they work out.
[Tech info:] Mamiya Universal camera, 100/3.5 lens, Fuji FP-100C instant pack film.


Strong man competitors