My first time out with the hulking great Super D large format SLR. I used a 6x7cm roll film holder to test it out before using 5x4inch sheet film. The tricky thing when using a roll film holder that is a smaller format than 5x4inches is there are no guide lines in the viewfinder to show you what will be in the frame so I had to use some guess work. As you can see, I wasn’t always successful. The roll film holder already had some Ilford HP5 film loaded in when I bought it but I didn’t know how expired it was. Overall I think the images turned out nicely.
[Tech info:] Graflex Super D camera with 6x7cm roll film holder loaded with Ilford HP5. Processed in Ilford DD-X (1+4 dilution).

Plugged in.

I've photographed this guy before.

These guys are a photogenic bunch. They're working in a building on St Giles.

I had a nice conversation with this gentleman about photography. My Super D caught his attention.

This man was handing out some christian leaflets. We had a great chat about film photography especially using slide film.