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Sunday, December 4th, 2016
Here are some test shots from the first roll of film through a Kodak Retina camera that I recently got as part of a job lot of darkroom equipment. I don’t know anything about this camera but as it’s completely mechanical it was very easy to figure out the controls. The rangefinder is coupled and the leaf shutter is very quiet. I enjoyed using it and hope to put a roll of colour film through it soon.
[Tech info:] Kodak Retina, Kodak TMAX 100 (expired), developed in HC110 1+31 for 6mins. Pakon scans.

Posted in Equipment, film, Oxford | 2 Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, film, hc110, kodak, oxford, pakon, retina, tmax100
Saturday, October 29th, 2016
Michael Bay came to Oxford with his crew at the end of September to film some scenes for Transformers 5: The Last Knight and despite the tight security I managed to do a little behind-the-scenes photography.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Kodak TMAX 100 @ 200, developed in Ilford DD-X 1+4, Pakon scans

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, b&w, ddx, electro, filming, ilford, imax, oxford, pakon, tmax100, transformers, yashica
Thursday, October 27th, 2016
Here are some more pictures from the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2016, this time from my little point and shoot camera that I took with me. The sky was overcast at this point but bright enough that it wasn’t too dull for photography. The colours have come out quite nicely on Fuji Reala 100 film – which sadly isn’t made any more.
[Tech info:] Konica Hexar AF, Fuji Reala 100 film, developed in Fuji Xpress C41 kit, Pakon scans.

Posted in film, People | No Responses »
Tags: film, fuji, pakon, people, reala, summer
Sunday, October 2nd, 2016
If you ever visit the Great Dorset Steam Fair be sure to stay until after dark because the display of steam engines all lit up is a real highlight of the day. These images are from my first ever roll of Fuji Natura 1600 film which a generous friend brought over from Japan for me. To my knowledge Fuji only make it for the domestic Japanese market.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton Classic, Fuji Natura 1600 film developed in Fuji Xpress C41 kit. Pakon scans.

Posted in film, People | 4 Responses »
Tags: dorset, film, fuji, leica, m2, natura 1600, pakon, people, steam fair, summer
Thursday, September 22nd, 2016
Behind the scenes pictures from The Mummy (2017) reboot starring Tom Cruise when filming took place in Oxford. The facade of Hertford College was cleverly dressed to look like The Royal Thames Hospital complete with ambulance vehicles parked outside. I had a great chat with the lighting guys and it was from them that I discovered the movie is being shot on Kodak film stock which is always nice to hear.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, 50/1.5 Voigtlander Nokton, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 1600, developed in Kodak Xtol stock. Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, film, filming, HP5, leica, m2, mummy, oxford, pakon, voigtlander, xtol
Monday, August 29th, 2016
During my visit to The Great Dorset Steam Fair I got to experience the Wall of Death for the very first time. This wasn’t any old Wall of Death, it was the Ken Fox Troupe Wall of Death and what made it extra special was seeing it with my old friend Benedict Campbell who made an excellent short film about them (see it here). The show is nothing short of spectacular and I highly recommend it if you get the chance to see it.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton Classic, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 800, developed in HC110 1+31. Pakon scans.

Posted in film, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, dorset, film, hc110, HP5, iso800, leica, m2, nokton, pakon, people, voigtlander, wall of death
Sunday, August 21st, 2016
These pictures have been sitting on a roll of film in my fridge for the past year. I remember making these pictures but I couldn’t remember exactly which roll they were on and because the last shots on the roll ended up being made at the 2015 Cowley Classics car show I labelled the roll ‘car show’ when I removed it from my camera. Recently I have been working my way through a backlog of colour films and that’s when I came across these shots.
[Tech info:] Konica Hexar AF, Fuji Press 400 (expired), developed in a Fuji Xpress C41 kit, Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, bank, endeavour, film, filming, fuji, fuji press 400, oxford, pakon, summer
Saturday, August 13th, 2016
Behind the scenes during filming of the first episode of Endeavour IV in Oxford. I managed to come across the crew during my lunch break and managed to catch the end of a scene by the river. The straw boater hats were a nice touch.
[Tech info:] Konica Hexar AF, Fuji Reala 100 (expired), Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | 3 Responses »
Tags: endeavour, film, filming, fuji, hexar, konica, oxford, pakon, people, reala
Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
Behind-the-scenes photography during the filming of the first episode of Endeavour series 4 (or to be more precise, Endeavour IV: film 1). These pictures were all made before the masses of tourists turned up. To say that things ended up getting very hectic would be understating it a little.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton, Ilford FP4 @ ISO 400, developed in Kodak Xtol, Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, endeavour, film, filming, fp4, ilford, leica, m2, oxford, pakon, turl street, voigtlander, xtol
Monday, July 11th, 2016
Lots of activity on Turl Street in Oxford for the first episode of Endeavour series 4. The sky started out overcast in the morning but sunshine was forecast later so deciding on which film stocks to take with me was a little tricky. In the end I decided on ISO 400 for the earlier part of the morning and ISO 125 (FP4) for later. I ended up using my faster film sooner than expected so I decided to push Ilford FP4 to ISO 400 and I must say I like these results a lot.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton, Ilford FP4 @ ISO 400, developed in Kodak Xtol 1+1, Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | 2 Responses »
Tags: black&white, endeavour, film, filming, leica, m2, oxford, pakon, voigtlander, xtol
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Jerry Springer came to the Oxford Union to talk about US politics and the presidential race. It was a fascinating talk and Jerry is a fount of knowledge on the subject.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 3200 developed in Ilford DD-X 1+4 for 20mins. Pakon scans.

Posted in film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, ddx, film, HP5, iso3200, jerry springer, leica, m2, oxford, oxford union, pakon, voigtlander
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
These shots are from an Olympus OM1 I wanted to test four months ago. I was also testing some expired Ilford Pan F film that I was given inside a bulk film loader but I had no idea how long ago it had expired. Somehow the roll got fogged but I can’t remember how – I need to start making notes.
[Tech info:] Olympus OM1, 50/1.8, Ilford Pan F (expired), developed in Kodak D76, Pakon scans.

Posted in Equipment, film, Oxford | 1 Response »
Tags: black&white, d76, film, ilford, olympus, OM1, oxford, pakon, pan f