This set of behind the scenes pictures are from the final day of filming in Oxford for Endeavour series 3. It was a beautifully lit outdoor concert that took place on a summers evening in Exeter College gardens. The lighting crew did a fantastic job with all of the lights and the string quartet played for real which was a joy to listen to during every take. As it was the end of July the sky didn’t become dark until quite late so filming didn’t start until around 9pm and wrapped at almost exactly midnight.
My sincere thanks go to Olly Blackburn, the director of this episode, for allowing me on set to photograph. More pictures to come.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton, Ilford HP5, ISO 1600, developed in Kodak Xtol stock solution. Pakon scans.
I particularly like the last photo, Nasir! There’s something melancholy about all of the empty chairs around the performers in that shot.
Thanks, Gerard. The audience left briefly so that just the audio for the musicians could be recorded and I quite liked how all of the empty chairs looked. I didn’t notice the melancholy aspect until you mentioned it. Now it seems so obvious!
Gorgeous, I started shooting my HP5 at 1600 a while ago and haven’t looked back! I guess I’m a sucker for that extra bit of contrast and grain.
Thanks very much. I find that HP5 pushes extremely well.