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Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
Some shots from the last day of filming of a short film titled Meatchute, directed by Tom Shennan. It was after I posted my shots from Waterbird that I received an email from Tom asking if I’d be interested in doing some photography during his shoot. I liked the sound of the location and the prosthetic make-up and fortunately it was on my route home from work so I stopped by and shot a roll through my Rolleiflex twin-lens camera – this is the entire roll of 12 shots. The location was very cool in a run down kind of way and I liked the simple lighting they were using with some added smoke for atmosphere. I tried to photograph as many of the cast and crew as possible without disrupting the proceedings too much. Everyone was very nice to work with and I look forward to seeing the final edit.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex 2.8F, 80/2.8 Planar, Kodak Tri-X @ ISO 800 (expired), processed in Kodak HC110 1+31.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, students | 1 Response »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, filming, hc110, oxford, portraits, rolleiflex, students, Tri-X
Thursday, August 28th, 2014
Portraits of some of the cast from the Oxford University Dramatic Society production of Twelfth Night which played in the Old Schools Quadrangle, Bodleian Library. These were made five minutes before the audience were allowed in and I’m very grateful to the cast for giving up some of their warm up time. These costumes came from the Royal Shakespeare Company and were amazing when you were up close.
[Tech info:] Bronica ETRSi, 75/2.8, Fuji Pro 400H film, developed and scanned by Ag Photo lab.

Posted in Drama, Oxford, People, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: 645, backstage, bronica, drama, etrsi, film, oxford, people, portraits, shakespeare, summer
Sunday, August 17th, 2014
Some film shots from a promo shoot I did for the Christ Church Commemoration Ball 2014 who’s theme was English Eccentrics. This was a really fun shoot to do but one of those times where I wished I had more time to shoot film. Thank you to everyone that gave up their time for this shoot and to the amazing Tori for putting it all together.
[Tech info:] Bronica ETRSi, 75/2.8, Fuji 400H (expired), processed and scanned by Ag Photo lab.

Posted in Fashion, film, Oxford, People, Photo shoot, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: 400H, 645, agphotolab, ball, bronica, etrsi, film, oxford, portraits, students, summer
Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
If you only see one drama production this summer I can’t recommend this one enough – Twelfth Night playing in the Old Schools Quadrangle, Bodleian Library. Tomorrow (14th August) is the final date in Oxford before the production travels to London and Guildford. I was fortunate enough to photograph the opening night yesterday and I can’t even begin to say how incredible all of the performances were and what a brilliant job the entire crew has done in putting this show together and no, they’re not paying me to say this! Yesterday I only had a chance to photograph during the performance but I was so impressed with everything that I felt compelled to rush back there this evening to make some portraits before the show started. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to photograph the entire cast (my apologies to those that I missed) because they needed to warm up and we only had a few minutes before the doors opened. Thank you to everyone for being so patient with me.
[Technical info:] Mamiya RB67, 140mm macro lens, Fuji FP-100C instant pack film (expired), sliding diptych Polaroid back.

Posted in Drama, Oxford, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: diptych, film, fp100c, fujiroid, mamiya, oxford, portraits, rb67, students, summer
Monday, August 4th, 2014
Here are my first results from push processing Fuji slide duplicating film. This film is designed to make duplicate copies of slide film when projected in an enlarger with a tungsten light source. It’s not designed for regular photography in daylight but it seems to work very nicely. Not only did I use this film in conditions it wasn’t designed for I also (deliberately) cross-processed the film in the wrong chemicals. Film is amazing stuff and part of the fun is experimenting.
[Tech info:] Graflex Speed Graphic 5×4, Aero Ektar, Fuji CDU II slide duplicating film, rated at ISO 25 and pushed 1 stop in processing using Tetanol C41 chemistry.

Posted in film, Oxford, Portrait, students | 9 Responses »
Tags: 5x4, aero, ariel, film, graflex, oxford, people, portraits, students, summer
Tuesday, July 29th, 2014
These shots are from my first shoot with Suzie on an overcast Saturday morning. I decided to experiment a little here and keep the overall look a little underexposed for a heavier feel. Two different cameras were used on these shots – one of them had a wide-angle lens on which was not what I had intended but I decided to go with it anyway and I quite like the results despite the obvious distortion. More to come.
[Tech info:] Pentax 6×7, 105/2.4 lens. Bottom two images with Mamiya RB67, 50mm lens. Kodak Tri-X (expired), processed in Kodak HC110 1+31.

Posted in film, Oxford, People, Photo shoot, students | No Responses »
Tags: 6x7, black&white, film, hc110, mamiya universal, oxford, pentax, portraits, rb67, students, suzie, Tri-X
Sunday, July 27th, 2014
Waterbird is a short film directed by Alex Darby which was being filmed in Oxford a few weeks ago. Alex invited me along to shoot some behind-the-scenes stills during a night shoot in the Westgate car park. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay for very much of it but I did manage to shoot a roll of film of some of the cast and crew.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/2.8 Zeiss Planar, Kodak Tri-X @ ISO800, processed in Kodak HC110 for 9 mins.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People, students | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, filming, hc110, oxford, people, portraits, rolleiflex, SL66, students, Tri-X
Monday, July 14th, 2014
Waterbird is a short film directed by Alex Darby which was being filmed in Oxford last week. Alex invited me along to shoot some behind-the-scenes stills during a night shoot in the Westgate car park. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay for very much of it but I did manage to shoot a roll of film of some of the cast and crew. More to follow.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/2.8 Zeiss Planar, Kodak Tri-X @ ISO800, processed in Kodak HC110 for 9 mins.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People, students | 2 Responses »
Tags: 6x6, backstage, black&white, film, filming, hc110, oxford, people, portraits, rolleiflex, SL66, students, Tri-X
Wednesday, July 9th, 2014
These shots are from a few weeks ago from possibly one of my shortest photo shoots ever – start to finish I think we spent around 15 minutes. They were all made handheld on 5×4 large format film and I really like how these have turned out. The camera is from the 1960’s and was originally designed to shoot on Polaroid film that came on a roll. It was never designed to shoot 5×4 film so the viewfinder is not 100% accurate for what will be on the film and that’s something I’m still trying to get used to which is why the top of the frame is cropped so tightly in a few of these shots. This summer I plan to do more large format film photography than I have before and I think my modified Polaroid 110B will be getting quite a bit of use.
[Tech info:] Polaroid 110B land camera (modified by Holga Mods), Ilford HP5 5×4, processed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 5mins.

Posted in film, Oxford, Photo shoot, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: 110B, 5x4, black&white, charlie, film, hc110, HP5, oxford, people, portraits, students
Tuesday, June 17th, 2014
Here are a few Fujiroids from my first photo shoot with Cos which was a lot of fun. The sky was overcast the entire time but that made for nice and consistent lighting without any harsh shadows to contend with. We shot plenty of film but those shots will follow at a later time once they’ve been processed. These shots are from the bleached negs which are a lot sharper than the prints and have more colour saturation too. I see there is a slight light leak from the ageing bellows so I’ll have to repair that but for a camera that is over 50 years old it still delivers.
[Tech info:] Polaroid 110B converted to use Fuji instant pack film. FP-100C (expired).

Posted in film, Oxford, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: 110B, cos, film, fp100c, fujiroid, oxford, people, portraits, students, summer
Friday, June 13th, 2014
It’s the time of the year when some Oxford University students are sitting their final exam and immediately after they’ve exited the exam schools they celebrate with their friends in various different ways that can involve lots of colourful confetti, silly string, shaving foam and various liquid refreshments and sometimes food as well. The celebrations are known as trashing and looking through my archive I first photographed it in 1989 (last two pictures). Back then I don’t remember as many students doing it as they do now but no matter how crazy it looks I’ve always enjoyed photographing it because I haven’t come across any other occasion where you can see such a visual expression of pure joy and elation. Friends greeting friends to show their support and help celebrate freedom. Still images can’t really canvey the atmosphere because you really need to hear the laughing, cheering, screaming and shouting that goes along with all of the colour.
This is my first set of pictures from this years’ trashing and there will be lots more to come. Unfortunately I keep being accused of working for the Daily Mail because of a ridiculous article they put out recently about binge drinking that used pictures of Oxford University students celebrating the end of their exams. Tabloid junk at its best. It’s no wonder the Daily Mail have removed the ability to leave a comment under the article. My passion is photography and documenting life, particularly in Oxford which is a place I am proud to call my home town. I don’t judge and I certainly don’t supply my pictures to the tabloid gutter press.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 100/2.8 Series E lens, Kodak Hawkeye film. Processed by ASDA, Swindon.

Oxford, 1989
Posted in film, Oxford, People, students | No Responses »
Tags: asda, film, hawkeye, nikon, oxford, students, summer, trashing
Friday, June 6th, 2014
The 107th Oxford vs Cambridge Varsity 2014 Boxing match took place at the Town Hall in Oxford, here are some of my shots from the celebrations at the end when Oxford received the winners trophy. It was a great night and a total contrast to the town v gown match that I photographed previously. Well done guys!
[Tech info:] Nikon F100, 17-35/2.8, Ilford XP2 (expired). Developed at ASDA, Swindon.

Posted in film, Oxford, Sport, students | No Responses »
Tags: asda, black&white, boxing, film, oxford, people, sport, students, varsity