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Oxford: Street portraits

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

I love Oxford in the summer, especially the warm evening light when the sun starts to drop and there are nice long shadows everywhere. It’s been quite a while since I had the time to do street photography in the evenings so I’m pleased I have some free time at the moment to make the most of the summer evenings and light.

These images are from one of the first rolls of colour negative film that I developed myself. I’ve been putting it off until now because I thought it would be more difficult than it was.

[Tech info:] All of these images are from the same roll of Kodak Portra 400 film inside a Mamiya RZ67 camera with a 110/2.8 lens.

russian students

Two Russian students on the steps of the Clarendon Building, Broad Street, Oxford.

I really like this young lady’s vintage look, especially the fur coat. There’s a movie star quality about her. I had seen her during some of my lunch hour sessions but she always seemed to be on the other side of the road or in a hurry. Hopefully I can photograph her again.
A photographer holding a Yashica twin lens reflex camera

Another fellow film photographer whom I met during a Flickr meet up in University Parks.

This was part of a test shoot with Mayumi who I've photographed before. I wanted to test out a new lens and film.

A man wearing a trilby hat

On my way home one evening I passed this gentleman on Cornmarket street, I really liked how smartly dressed he was. I never go along Cornmarket street during my street photography sessions because of the shops the line both sides of the street and the sheer volume of people you find along there that makes it impossible to photograph anyone. At this time of the evening it was much emptier. I'm pleased with how the background doesn't show the shops very clearly.

Oxford: Summer 8’s 2011 (part V)

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

Here are some images from the colour films that I shot during Summer VIII’s 2011. The delay in posting these was because of the expense of posting one or two rolls away for developing. It’s much more economical to send off a batch of film but as I mostly use b&w film it’s taken me a while to use up enough rolls of colour for a batch.

In the coming weeks I intend to start developing my own colour film so look forward to seeing some of my results. I have the chemicals ready, I just need some spare time. More colour images from Summer VIII’s coming soon.

[Tech info:] Camera: Pentax 67, film: Kodak Ektar 100.

Cheer leaders practicing

Cheer leader practice. Between two of the college boathouses I noticed this group of cheer leaders practicing. It looked quite bizarre with all of the rowing going on behind me.

Alice in Wonderland cast

Curiouser and curiouser

watching the rowing


Photographer using a Nikon F90X camera

Another film photographer. I had an enjoyable chat about film photography with this photographer. The camera was in mint condition and had belonged to his mother. I still own and use the previous model that I bought in 1992.

Cup cake stall

Cup cakes for sale.

Normal service has resumed

Monday, August 8th, 2011

I’m back after almost a month of no posts. I must apologise to regular viewers of this blog and I hope you didn’t think I’d abandoned you. Truth be told I’ve been busier than ever with my photography but I haven’t had much time to develop and scan the films that I’ve been amassing in my fridge.

The good news is there will be a good supply of images appearing on this blog in the coming weeks as I feverishly work away at clearing the backlog. Yesterday 5 rolls of colour neg (C41) films arrived back from the lab and amongst those are shots from Eights Week that I’ve been looking forward to seeing. Over the next few weeks I am going to try my hand at developing my own colour neg films which will be a first for me. I have the chemicals ready but once I mix them they are only good for a week so I’ve been steadily building up a stock pile of films to develop.

Below are images from early July from a new camera format for me. The 645 format is 6cm wide by 4.5cm tall and is approximately 2.5 times larger than 35mm. The nice thing is the camera is smaller and more compact than my 6×7 cameras and I get 15 shots on a roll compared to 10. The downside is it takes me longer to finish the roll before I can develop it.

[Tech info]: Shot on Fuji Acros 100 film with a Mamiya M645 1000S. Developed in Kodak HC110 developer.

Lunch on the steps of the Clarendon Building

Pasties and coke

Divinity Schools quad

Divinity Schools quad, Oxford. This was shot in harsh midday sun with this gentleman being lit from behind. This is a perfect example of the amazing dynamic range of film.

St. Giles, Oxford.

Little Clarendon Street, Oxford. This gentleman said 'don't put my picture on Facebook!'. Lucky for him I don't put any of my images on Facebook.


Oxford: Street style

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011


Sometimes you’ll find a lot of contrast between people on the streets of Oxford. These three images illustrate that quite well. During my lunch hours when I’m in town looking for visually interesting people to photograph there tends to be three category’s that the majority of people fall into; students, people that work in the city and tourists. It’s the summer holidays for Oxford university students at the moment and the city centre is overflowing with tourists. Hopefully there will be lots more street style to be found during the rest of this summer.

A well dressed tourist

A well dressed tourist

A cool looking student

A cool looking student

hip looking student

Very street

Oxford: Lunch hour session

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

Here in Oxford it’s the time of year where University students sit their end of year exams. For many that’s something to celebrate and let me tell you they sure know how to celebrate it here in style – with a trip to Tesco for some grocery shopping and then dumping the entire contents of said groceries onto a friend who has just finished their exams! It makes for a good photographic subject but it’s frowned upon at the higher levels of the university and students caught doing it can get fined £80. Some students that I came across pleaded with me not to photograph them for fear of being fined, so I didn’t. Others were braver and those are the ones you see here. I’ve delayed posting these images as a way of protecting them from a fine because exams are all over now and most of the students have gone back home for the summer.

[Tech info]: Mamiya C330f camera, Fuji Acros 100 film.


These outfits are called subfusc but I have no idea why.

Celebrating the end of exams

Celebrating the end of exams

Celebrating the end of exams

Celebrating the end of exams

Photographer holding an Olympus film SLR

Another film photographer

A photographer holding a Rolleicord film camera

Another film photographer

Oxford: Street portraits

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011


These images were made a number of weeks ago but it took me longer than I expected to get through the Summer 8’s images so I apologise if you’re included in one of these shots and have been checking to see if your image has been posted 🙂

[Tech info]: Pentax 67

Man with curly moustache

This man had a great look but I couldn't get far enough back to get him all in for a full length because there was a wall behind me.

A couple on Broad street

Broad street.

Brasenose lane

This builder was working in Radcliffe Square and was heckling me as I was photographing someone else so I asked him if he wanted to be photographed and he agreed.

A student smoking

I quite liked this guy's russian looking t-shirt

Jay, I thought she had a cool look. We had a brief chat about photography and portrait competitions. A very pleasant girl that I hope to run into again around town some time.

Oxford: Summer 8’s 2011 (part V)

Monday, June 20th, 2011

These are the last black & white images from my Summer 8’s 2011 set. There will be colour images following in the future so keep an eye out if you haven’t appeared yet. Again, I’m sorry to anyone that I photographed with my faulty camera who’s image didn’t get recorded onto film, there were some really nice shots that I’m sad about losing but that’s photography for you, there’s no knowing when a pice of equipment might stop functioning properly. The camera that is to blame for those lost images is due back tomorrow after being repaired so I’ll be sure to give a thorough testing.

[Tech info]: Pentax 67, Fuji Acros 100 film.


rowers waiting at the start of the race

Waiting for the starting pistol

Fancy dress

The Vikings are here!

Cool dude

This guy looked cool but there were too many people around for me to get far enough back for a full-length shot. When he had a more serious expression I thought he had the kind of look you might find in a Burberry ad but in this shot of him smiling he looks completely different. Some of his mates were standing to my right so he was getting heckled.

3D video camera

As I saw this man walking towards me on the tow path I thought he had some sort of a stereoscopic pinhole camera mounted on his tripod so I stopped him thinking he was shooting on film but it turned out that he was shooting 3D video. We had a brief chat, a nice guy.

family portrait

Family portrait. Technically this isn't Summer 8's or anything to do with rowing but this was my last shot as I was walking back to my bike from the boat houses. I've always liked to photograph people being photographed by someone else so I got this shot as I turned around after walking past this group of tourists. It's hard to make out at this small size but the man in the middle is actually looking into my lens.

Oxford: Summer 8′s 2011 (part III)

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

Here are some more images that I made during the Summer 8’s Oxford University rowing competition on film.

More images still to come.

[Tech info]: Mamiya RZ67, Fuji Acros 100 (rated at ISO80, developed in HC110 (1:63) 7mins.



Big sunglasses

Godzilla eater



Snazzy dresser

Snazzy dresser

A bygone era

This lady really looked the part.

Oxford: Summer 8’s 2011 (part II)

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

Here’s part 2 of my images from the Oxford university colleges rowing competition.
If you’re in any of these images please leave a comment. As I don’t generally take any contact details from the people I photograph I never know who has actually managed to see their portrait or if they liked it. There’s a Facebook like button at the bottom of the page if you prefer to click that. Thanks.

There are still more to come.

[Tech info]: Camera used, Pentax 6×7 with Fuji Acros 100 film, developed in HC110 (dilution H, 1:63) for 7mins.


Boat race uniform

Boat race uniform

Formal boat race uniform

Formal boat race uniform

Max (from The Big Bang restaurant) & friend

Max (from The Big Bang restaurant) & friend


Standing in the shade

This man was sheltering from the blazing sun in the shade of a boathouse

Burgers and PIMMS for sale

Burgers and PIMMS for sale

Oxford: Summer 8’s 2011 (part 1)

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

This is the first of a multi-part series of images from the Summer 8’s Oxford University rowing competition. I always look forward to this every year because of the mix of different people you find along the river. I especially like to see the different generations where grandparents and parents come along to show support for the young blood.

The ones that got away
One of my film cameras has developed a fault with the winding on of film and unfortunately it’s the camera I used the most during the Summer 8’s competition. The fault meant that I didn’t know when the film roll had finished so there are a lot of shots that I thought I was getting on film when in fact there was no film in the back of the camera. Argh! To make matters worse I tried to tell everyone that I photographed about this blog so there will be quite a number of people visiting who’s portrait have been lost. I’m really sorry about this and no one is more disappointed that I am. The camera in question is still being repaired so hopefully this won’t ever happen again.

Make sure you wait for the rest of this series because it’s possible that your portrait might be included in a future post.

[Tech info]: Pentax 6×7, Fomapan 100 and 400 film rated at ISO 80 and 200 respectively. Developed in ID11 (stock), 10secs agitation every minute.

Rowing boats in boat house

Rowing boats in boat house

Oxford university students

Oxford university students

Red carnation for luck?

Red carnation for luck?

Rowing crew celebrating with a group photo

Rowing crew celebrating with a group photo

Photographer using a Leica 35mm film camera

Photographer using a Leica 35mm film camera

Photographer using a Nikon F3 film camera

Photographer using a Nikon F3 film camera

Obey vest


Oxford: lunch hour session

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Here’s a set of images made on the same roll of film during one of my lunch hours. I’ve been experiencing some problems with the wind on in my Pentax 6×7 medium format camera which has meant that the frame counter tells me I have a few shots left to use when in fact the film has run out. This has meant that I’ve lost images that I thought I had made so if you’re one of the people that I photographed and told to visit this blog I’m very sorry that your image didn’t come out. No one is more disappointed than I am about it especially as I had the camera serviced at the end of April. I’m going to post it back to the repair company tomorrow morning to have it looked at.

Last week was the Summer Eights rowing competition here in Oxford and I have lots of rolls of film still to develop from that but unfortunately I lost quite a few great shots during that time as well. I won’t know the full extent of the loss until I’ve developed all of the film so stay tuned.
[Tech info]: Pentax 6×7, 135mm.

Frills and platforms outfit

Frills and platforms (Catte street)

Rugged looking man wearing glasses

The rugged look (Broad street)

Leather bags in shop window

Leather bags in shop window (Ship street)

Annabelinda shop front

Annabelinda shop front

Modern Art: Oxford

Thursday, May 26th, 2011