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Oxford: Sunny 16 photowalk – part 1

Sunday, November 8th, 2020

The Sunny 16 photography podcast arranged a photowalk in Oxford back in February and I agreed to show the group of film photographers around my home town. After 9 months I’ve finally managed to develop my films from the day and here’s a selection from the first roll. Part of the delay was because I wanted to wait until I had enough rolls to develop at once before ordering special developer to bring the best out of this motion picture film – Eastman Double-X.

There are different developer options on the market but on this occasion I decided to give FPP D96 a try partly because one packet of powder mixes into 3.8 litres of stock solution which is great value. I’ve been using 1 litre of stock to develop my rolls with 70ml of replenishment from fresh stock per roll. After 8 rolls developed the results still look great.

[Tech info:] Leica M2, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Eastman Double-X, developed in FPP D96 stock for 7min 30secs, Pakon scans.

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Oxford: 10×8 x-ray film

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Here are some shots I made on 10×8 x-ray film recently. The shot from Catte Street with the Radcliffe Camera was actually made last summer but I only came across the film holder recently. That’s over 12 months that the latent image was sitting quietly on the film before it got developed. Speaking of developing, I used a bottle of developer that expired in 2014, it was sealed and the colour looked good so I thought I’d give it a try. If anything it seems to have tamed the contrast that is often found in x-ray films so I’m happy with that.

[Tech info:] Intrepid 10×8 camera, 300mm/f4.2 Plaubel Anticomar lens, Fuji Super HR-T x-ray film, developed in HC110 1+100 for 7 mins.
Radcliffe Camera image: 10×8 Tachihara, 210mm/f5.6 Nikon lens which just about covers 10×8. I applied some front rise on this shot.

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Endeavour 7: FILM 3 – part 7

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Behind the scenes photography from a day spent in Merton College, Oxford with the Endeavour crew during filming of FILM 3 from series 7 in October 2019. This was a busy day as I recall with both exterior and interior scenes including a stunt involving a big book and a ladder.

[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Fuji Superia 200 film, Noritsu scans.

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Oxford: Endeavour 7, FILM 1 – part 9

Monday, June 15th, 2020

Behind the scenes during filming of Endeavour 7 | FILM 1 in the Goodman Library at the Oxford Union, August 2019. This location is a favourite of mine and one I am very familiar with having photographed quite a few speaking events there over the past few years. Once the artificial sunlight came streaming in through the windows and the library was filled with haze the space was completely transformed.

[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 1600, developed in XTOL stock, Pakon scans.

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Oxford: Giffords Circus 2019 – part 2

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

A year ago this week Giffords Circus came to University Parks here in Oxford and I went along to photograph some of the performers behind the scenes as I have done the past few years. On the first day of their performance I take along photographs from the previous year to give to the returning performers. Sadly due to the COVID-19 global pandemic Giffords aren’t performing this year which is a real shame. Hopefully they’ll be back in 2021.

[Tech info:] Fuji GW690, Fuji 400H (expired), Noritsu scans.

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Oxford: Endeavour 7, FILM 1 – part 8

Monday, June 1st, 2020

Day one of filming Endeavour series 7 in Oxford started in New College Lane. It was a busy morning with quite a bit of coverage to film and there was a stunt involving a cyclist. It was fascinating to see the amount of planning involved for a few seconds of action on screen. One of the first scenes to be filmed didn’t make the final cut.

[Tech info]: Leica M6, 35/2.8 Zeiss Biogon, Kodak Portra 400 (could possibly be Superia 200), Noritsu scans.

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Empty Oxford during lockdown

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

On one of my cycle rides around Oxford city centre for my daily exercise during lockdown I took along my Widelux panoramic camera to document the empty streets that would usually be full of people and traffic. Truth be told, I’ve never enjoyed cycling around Oxford more than I have recently especially with cleaner air to breath and the absence of mobile phone zombies crossing the road in front of you with their eyes glued to their screens. Small benefits of lockdown.

[Tech info:] Widelux, Kodak Ektar 100, Noritsu scans.

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Oxford: Endeavour 7, FILM 1 – part 7

Sunday, April 12th, 2020

Here are some behind the scenes pictures during filming of Endeavour 7 | FILM 1 in August 2019. I don’t have any notes to refer to but from memory the morning was spent inside the Oxford Union and after lunch was spent filming inside and outside a flat near St Catherine’s College. The Oxford Union is one of my favourite places to photograph but when I’m photographing speaking events there I almost always use b&w film so it was nice to use some colour film for a change to show the beautiful interior. The set dressing for the interior of the bedroom in the flat looked amazing and contained lots of little details in terms of props which I’ve tried to record in my pictures below.

[Tech info:] Leica M6, 35/1.2 Voigtlander Nokton, Fuji Superia 200 film (expired), Noritsu scans.

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Oxford: Endeavour 7, FILM 1 – part 6

Friday, February 28th, 2020

These behind the scenes pictures are from the first day of filming in Oxford for Endeavour 7. After spending the morning filming on New College Lane the rest of the day was spent filming a garden party complete with string quartet which sounded amazing.

[Tech info:] Leica M6, 35/2.8 Zeiss Biogon, Fuji Superia 200, Noritsu scans.

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Endeavour 7: FILM 3 – part 5

Wednesday, February 26th, 2020

Behind the scenes during filming of Endeavour 7 | FILM 3 in Merton college, Oxford at the end of October, 2019. These shots are from two different days that the crew spent in Merton College making good use of the lovely grounds and some of the rooms (second unit also filmed a brief scene on Merton Street). Fortunately we had nice weather the whole time, dry but very cold.

[Tech info:] Rolleiflex 2.8F, Zeiss Planar, Fuji 400H (expired), Noritsu scans.

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Oxford: Endeavour 7, FILM 1 – part 5

Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

Here are some behind the scenes pictures from the first day of filming in Oxford on Endeavour 7 | FILM 1, August 2019. It was great to see the crew again after nine months. We had a very busy morning on New College Lane but a slightly more relaxed afternoon inside one of the college gardens. Shaun Evans was directing this FILM and his stand-in, Anthony, can be seen in the first shot below. For a change I used my 35mm Zeiss Biogon lens and I really like the colour rendering in these shots especially the ones in the shade on New College Lane. Perhaps I should use it more with colour film.

[Tech info:] Leica M6, 35/2.8 Zeiss Biogon, Fuji Superia 200 film, Noritsu scans.

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Oxford: lunch break photo walk around Worcester College

Saturday, December 21st, 2019

First test roll with a 40mm wide-angle lens I recently picked up for my Bronica SQ-A. I’ve had the lens for a while but I needed some dry weather during my lunch break to test it out. The lens is very wide and allows close focusing which I like. The interior shot of Worcester College chapel was an 8 second exposure which is the slowest shutter speed on the camera. I can see that being very useful in some situations. The roll of Ilford Pan F I used expired in 2007 so I rated it at ISO 25. Even though slow films are meant to lose sensitivity over time slower than faster emulsions Pan F tends to suffer quite badly for a film with a box speed of ISO 50. Not a problem on this occasion because I wanted to use the 40mm lens fairly wide open. I’m pleased with the results from this lens and it’s a keeper.

[Tech info:] Bronica SQ-A, 40mm Zenzanon lens, Ilford Pan F (expired), developed in XTOL 1+1.

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