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Saturday, July 30th, 2016
Here are some behind the scenes shots of Martin Parr at work on his project that has the working title of ‘Oxford’. I enjoy documenting all sorts of things but this is the first time I’ve shadowed a photographer at work. It was interesting to see which kinds of things caught Martin’s eye and also how many people didn’t know who he was. I’ve bumped into Martin on a number of occasions around Oxford so you’ll be seeing him again in the future on this blog. The book will be published by OUP and is due out in September 2017.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 800, developed in Kodak Xtol, Pakon scans.
The Oxford comma hangs on the wall in the background
Posted in Behind the scenes, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, film, HP5, leica, m2, martin parr, oup, oxford, people, xtol
Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
Behind-the-scenes photography during the filming of the first episode of Endeavour series 4 (or to be more precise, Endeavour IV: film 1). These pictures were all made before the masses of tourists turned up. To say that things ended up getting very hectic would be understating it a little.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton, Ilford FP4 @ ISO 400, developed in Kodak Xtol, Pakon scans.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, endeavour, film, filming, fp4, ilford, leica, m2, oxford, pakon, turl street, voigtlander, xtol
Monday, July 11th, 2016
Lots of activity on Turl Street in Oxford for the first episode of Endeavour series 4. The sky started out overcast in the morning but sunshine was forecast later so deciding on which film stocks to take with me was a little tricky. In the end I decided on ISO 400 for the earlier part of the morning and ISO 125 (FP4) for later. I ended up using my faster film sooner than expected so I decided to push Ilford FP4 to ISO 400 and I must say I like these results a lot.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton, Ilford FP4 @ ISO 400, developed in Kodak Xtol 1+1, Pakon scans.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | 2 Responses »
Tags: black&white, endeavour, film, filming, leica, m2, oxford, pakon, voigtlander, xtol
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Jerry Springer came to the Oxford Union to talk about US politics and the presidential race. It was a fascinating talk and Jerry is a fount of knowledge on the subject.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 3200 developed in Ilford DD-X 1+4 for 20mins. Pakon scans.
Posted in film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, ddx, film, HP5, iso3200, jerry springer, leica, m2, oxford, oxford union, pakon, voigtlander
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
These shots are from an Olympus OM1 I wanted to test four months ago. I was also testing some expired Ilford Pan F film that I was given inside a bulk film loader but I had no idea how long ago it had expired. Somehow the roll got fogged but I can’t remember how – I need to start making notes.
[Tech info:] Olympus OM1, 50/1.8, Ilford Pan F (expired), developed in Kodak D76, Pakon scans.
Posted in Equipment, film, Oxford | 1 Response »
Tags: black&white, d76, film, ilford, olympus, OM1, oxford, pakon, pan f
Saturday, June 11th, 2016
Behind the scenes during filming of the first episode of Endeavour series 4 in Oxford. This set of shots is from the first roll that I shot so there aren’t too many people around other than the cast and crew. You can see street signs being twisted around so they wouldn’t be picked up by the camera and last minute touch ups on some of the supporting actors.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5, Ilford HP5, developed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 5mins. Pakon scans.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, endeavour, film, filming, hc110, HP5, leica, m2, oxford, pakon, people, turl street, voigtlander
Saturday, June 11th, 2016
Endeavour IV: film 1
If you use Twitter it’s no secret that filming has begun on the fourth series of Endeavour. Here are some behind-the-scenes shots when they were filming in Oxford recently. This is one of my favourite things to photograph because the combination of clothes and cars look so good. It was very nice to see the crew again who this time are a mixture of familiar and new faces.
[Tech info:] Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5, Ilford HP5, developed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 5mins. Pakon scans.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, endeavour, film, filming, hc110, HP5, ilford, leica, m2, oxford, voigtlander
Thursday, June 9th, 2016
The Olympic gold medalist and two-time world heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman came to the Oxford Union and I did some photography at the event. As the event started at 5pm the sun was starting to dip just enough to light up the interior of the library where the event took place so I didn’t have to push the film too much and I really like how these turned out.
[Tech info:] Nikon F100, Kodak TMAX 400 @ ISO1600, developed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 11 mins. Pakon scans.
Posted in Oxford | 2 Responses »
Tags: black&white, boxing, f100, film, george foreman, hc110, iso1600, nikon, oxford, oxford union, pakon, people, tmax400
Thursday, June 2nd, 2016
The Common People music festival took place here in Oxford last weekend and I was fortunate enough to be invited to do some photography. I’m still working my way through developing and scanning the many rolls of film that I shot there but I wanted to share two shots that I’m particularly pleased with of Primal Scream on stage during their performance that closed the festival on Sunday night.
[Tech info:] Nikon F100, 70-200/2.8, Ilford HP5 @ ISO3200 developed in DDX 1+4 for 20mins. Pakon scans.
Posted in film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, ddx, f100, film, iso3200, nikon, oxford, pakon, people, primal scream
Wednesday, June 1st, 2016
A while ago I picked up a Phillips K 165mm/f2.8 projector lens to experiment with on my Speed Graphic and last week I finally managed to make a few test shots. It’s always nice to have patient work colleagues when testing lenses. On this particular day it was very overcast and gloomy so I used a small LED video light for a bit of fill but it’s not very noticeable. There is no aperture inside this lens so it’s f2.8 all the time which could be tricky on a bright day so I must remember to keep some ND gels in my camera bag.
[Tech info]: Speed Graphic 5×4, Phillips K 165/2.8 projector lens, Kodak Tri-X 320 (expired 2003), developed in Kodak HC110 1+31. Colour shot is a bleached Fuji FP-100C neg.
Camera and lens used. I have since mounted the lens in a proper lens board. My cardboard effort was just to see if it was worth doing properly for this lens
Posted in film, Oxford, People, Portrait | No Responses »
Tags: 5x4, black&white, film, fujiroid, graflex, hc110, oxford, people, phillips, portraits, Tri-X
Monday, May 23rd, 2016
These shots are from the last episode of Endeavour III – I think I have more pictures from this episode than any of the others. After finishing the roll of film I stored it in my fridge with the intention of developing it myself at some point but I never got the chance so in my fridge it remained for almost 10 months. I finally decided to send it to a lab for developing and here they are.
I felt it somewhat appropriate to post these today as according to the Mammoth Screen Twitter account this is the first day of filming for Endeavour IV.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex 2.8F, Zeiss Planar, Fuji 400H (expired). Developed by Ag photo lab.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: 400H, 6x6, endeavour, film, filming, fuji, oxford, rolleiflex
Tuesday, April 12th, 2016
A Hollywood film crew came to town last week as filming of a new modern day reboot of The Mummy began filming here in Oxford starring Tom Cruise. I’ve never seen so many trucks for one production before. All filming was done at night and security was obviously very tight but I did manage to do some photography during the day of a transformed New College Lane and the front of Hertford College which was made to look like a Hospital. It’s too bad they didn’t ask me to do some behind the scenes photography at night with my film cameras because this movie is being shot on film.
Please excuse the heavy watermarking which is not something I’m a fan of but I am tired of seeing the same images of Tom Cruise in Oxford being reused over and over on the internet with either no credit to the original photographer or credited to someone completely different.
[Tech info:] Canon Sureshot Supreme, Ilford HP5 developed in Kodak HC110 1+31 and Leica M2, Voigtlander 50/1.5 Nokton, Eastman Double X motion picture film developed in Kodak D76 1+1. Pakon scans.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, d76, double x, film, filming, hc110, HP5, leica, m2, mummy, oxford, pakon, tom cruise, voigtlander