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Saturday, August 16th, 2014
Colour portraits of some of the Giffords Circus performers when they were in Oxford last month. They’re such a talented group and very patient with me photographing them back stage during the performances. The light was very different this year to last, it was also quite a bit hotter on most of the days. The sun was beating down for most of the day so I’d take slow film with me but then by early evening heavy clouds would roll in and the light level would drop quite a bit which made things tricky but that’s all part of the fun with film. I find that being challenged keeps things interesting and you pay a lot more attention to the light than you would if you were just changing the ISO in a menu on the back of the camera.
[Tech info:] Bronica ETRSi, 75/2.8, Fuji Reala (expired), processed and scanned by Ag Photo lab.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People, Portrait | No Responses »
Tags: 645, agphotolab, backstage, bronica, circus, film, giffords, oxford, people, portraits, reala, summer
Monday, August 11th, 2014
Whenever the OWP put on a Jam at the Meadow Lane skate park it’s always a great opportunity for photography. I only made it to the second half of last month’s BMX Jam because it was too hot for me at midday. Here are some shots of the long jump competition that was full of thrills and spills.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 50/1.4D, Kodak Hawkeye film, processed in a Tetanol C41 kit (at over 12 months old the chemicals are probably a bit past it now).
Posted in film, Oxford, People, Sport | No Responses »
Tags: bmx, film, fm2, hawkeye, owp, oxford, summer
Monday, August 4th, 2014
Here are my first results from push processing Fuji slide duplicating film. This film is designed to make duplicate copies of slide film when projected in an enlarger with a tungsten light source. It’s not designed for regular photography in daylight but it seems to work very nicely. Not only did I use this film in conditions it wasn’t designed for I also (deliberately) cross-processed the film in the wrong chemicals. Film is amazing stuff and part of the fun is experimenting.
[Tech info:] Graflex Speed Graphic 5×4, Aero Ektar, Fuji CDU II slide duplicating film, rated at ISO 25 and pushed 1 stop in processing using Tetanol C41 chemistry.
Posted in film, Oxford, Portrait, students | 9 Responses »
Tags: 5x4, aero, ariel, film, graflex, oxford, people, portraits, students, summer
Tuesday, July 29th, 2014
These shots are from my first shoot with Suzie on an overcast Saturday morning. I decided to experiment a little here and keep the overall look a little underexposed for a heavier feel. Two different cameras were used on these shots – one of them had a wide-angle lens on which was not what I had intended but I decided to go with it anyway and I quite like the results despite the obvious distortion. More to come.
[Tech info:] Pentax 6×7, 105/2.4 lens. Bottom two images with Mamiya RB67, 50mm lens. Kodak Tri-X (expired), processed in Kodak HC110 1+31.
Posted in film, Oxford, People, Photo shoot, students | No Responses »
Tags: 6x7, black&white, film, hc110, mamiya universal, oxford, pentax, portraits, rb67, students, suzie, Tri-X
Sunday, July 27th, 2014
Waterbird is a short film directed by Alex Darby which was being filmed in Oxford a few weeks ago. Alex invited me along to shoot some behind-the-scenes stills during a night shoot in the Westgate car park. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay for very much of it but I did manage to shoot a roll of film of some of the cast and crew.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/2.8 Zeiss Planar, Kodak Tri-X @ ISO800, processed in Kodak HC110 for 9 mins.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People, students | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, filming, hc110, oxford, people, portraits, rolleiflex, SL66, students, Tri-X
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014
Some shots here from a production of The Alchemist which was playing at Freuds last week on Walton Street. I managed to make these shots shortly before the doors opened and I must say I really liked the set that they had created in a relatively small amount of space. It was nicely lit too and fortunately for me I had some Cinestill motion picture film in my camera from when I photographed Giffords Circus and as it’s tungsten balanced it was perfect for these shots. The film has expired so these were a bit of an experiment but I do like how they turned out.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 50/1.4D, Cinestill film (expired), home processed in a C41 kit that I opened in July 2013!
Posted in Behind the scenes, Drama, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: cinestill, drama, film, fm2, freuds, oxford, people, students, summer
Saturday, July 19th, 2014
The Lewis crew were in Oxford in May, here are some shots from a scene they filmed at Freuds on Walton Street. The last shot is someone who works there, I had one frame left on my roll. I’ve got a huge backlog of shots to post from the past couple of months so expect plenty of blog updates.
[Tech info:] Bronica ETRSi, 75/2.8, Fuji 400H (expired), processed and scanned by Ag Photo lab.
The Gaffer and his crew.
After the getaway
Posted in film, Oxford, People | 2 Responses »
Tags: 400H, 645, bronica, film, filming, lewis, oxford, people
Monday, July 14th, 2014
Waterbird is a short film directed by Alex Darby which was being filmed in Oxford last week. Alex invited me along to shoot some behind-the-scenes stills during a night shoot in the Westgate car park. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay for very much of it but I did manage to shoot a roll of film of some of the cast and crew. More to follow.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/2.8 Zeiss Planar, Kodak Tri-X @ ISO800, processed in Kodak HC110 for 9 mins.
Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People, students | 2 Responses »
Tags: 6x6, backstage, black&white, film, filming, hc110, oxford, people, portraits, rolleiflex, SL66, students, Tri-X
Wednesday, July 9th, 2014
These shots are from a few weeks ago from possibly one of my shortest photo shoots ever – start to finish I think we spent around 15 minutes. They were all made handheld on 5×4 large format film and I really like how these have turned out. The camera is from the 1960’s and was originally designed to shoot on Polaroid film that came on a roll. It was never designed to shoot 5×4 film so the viewfinder is not 100% accurate for what will be on the film and that’s something I’m still trying to get used to which is why the top of the frame is cropped so tightly in a few of these shots. This summer I plan to do more large format film photography than I have before and I think my modified Polaroid 110B will be getting quite a bit of use.
[Tech info:] Polaroid 110B land camera (modified by Holga Mods), Ilford HP5 5×4, processed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 5mins.
Posted in film, Oxford, Photo shoot, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: 110B, 5x4, black&white, charlie, film, hc110, HP5, oxford, people, portraits, students
Tuesday, July 8th, 2014
It’s been a while since I shot any Fujiroids with the Oxford Tailors at Clements & Church so I decided to stop by there during my lunch break today. This pack film is in date (expires in September 2014) which is unusual for me because I mostly use expired film. I also shot a few frames of slide film which will follow later in the summer when I mix up the E6 chemistry to process the batch of slide film I’ve been building up since last year.
[Tech info:] Polaroid 110B, Fuji FP-100C.
Posted in Fashion, film, Oxford, Photo shoot, Portrait | No Responses »
Tags: 110B, church, clements, film, fp100c, fujiroid, oxford, portraits, tailors
Monday, July 7th, 2014
It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year already since Giffords Circus was in town especially as I remember it so well and it feels more recent than that. This year there are familiar faces that I saw last year and also some new people. I saw the show this afternoon and it was fantastic – very different from last year. If you haven’t been to see the show yet I highly recommend it. Here are some portraits I made back stage.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/2.8 Zeiss Planar, loaded with Fuji Acros 100, processed in Kodak HC110 1+31.
Posted in film, Oxford, People, Portrait | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, acros, black&white, circus, film, giffords, hc110, oxford, portraits, rolleiflex, SL66, summer
Tuesday, June 17th, 2014
Here are a few Fujiroids from my first photo shoot with Cos which was a lot of fun. The sky was overcast the entire time but that made for nice and consistent lighting without any harsh shadows to contend with. We shot plenty of film but those shots will follow at a later time once they’ve been processed. These shots are from the bleached negs which are a lot sharper than the prints and have more colour saturation too. I see there is a slight light leak from the ageing bellows so I’ll have to repair that but for a camera that is over 50 years old it still delivers.
[Tech info:] Polaroid 110B converted to use Fuji instant pack film. FP-100C (expired).
Posted in film, Oxford, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: 110B, cos, film, fp100c, fujiroid, oxford, people, portraits, students, summer