June 20th, 2018

...now browsing by day


Oxford: Endeavour 4, episode 3 – part 6

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

Behind the scenes during filming of Endeavour 4 FILM 3 from August 2016. I thought it might be interesting to dig out some pictures from my archive that I haven’t posted yet – there are a lot of them! The first two shots are from Christchurch meadow from a shot that didn’t make the final edit where the First AD was standing in as a groundsman for an over the shoulder POV shot. Next it was a location move to Headington cemetery and was a race against the setting sun and the fading light level. Looking at these pictures almost two years later is interesting for me as some of the crew came back to work on Endeavour series 5 and others didn’t. Two years on the pictures still hold up for me. Photographic memories. More to come.

[Tech info:] Konica Hexar AF, Fuji Reala 100 (expired), Pakon scans.