At the beginning of July there was a day of celebrations here in Oxford to mark the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s first telling of Alice in the place her story was originally conceived. There were lots of performers and events on Merton field in Christchurch meadow and it was lots of fun. I wanted to do as much photography as possible to record the event so I started off by making portraits of some of the crew that helped setup and build the sets.
[Tech info:] Mamiya C330f, 105mm lens loaded with Fuji Acros 100, processed in HC110 1:31 (dilution b).

This gentleman reminded me a little of David Bellamy. I really like his braces.

A very cheerful chap who couldn't stop smiling.

These guys were all sitting in a circle. As I moved round the light on them became harsher from the overhead sun.

This portrait turned out quite nice considering the unflattering sunlight.

I could hardly see this guy's eyes to focus on the shadows were so harsh. It turned out okay though.

This is such a timeless image apart from the camcorder in the Mad Hatter's hand.