The dining hall images are from the beginning of the evening. Before the masses arrived for the ball some students chose to have a formal dinner in the dining hall. The kitchen staff were all very nice along with the head butler who asked me if I wanted to get an elevated viewpoint from above the kitchen. As I was making some shots of the students tucking into their meal I was recognised by one of the students who was in the production of Cabaret I did some backstage photography of last month. It’s always nice when someone comments on my photography. More images to come…
[Tech info:] There are two different films used here, Kodak Tri-X and Ilford Delta Pro 3200, both expired. The Delta Pro is the same stock as the previous two rolls that didn’t turn out well. The difference here is I used Kodak HC110 developer and agitated every 30secs instead of every 60secs. My camera was a Mamiya C330f and 80mm lens.