All of these images are from the same roll of Kodak TMAX 100 that expired in 2004. I got it as part of a batch of mixed film that I won in an eBay auction. The camera I used was a Mamiya C330f, twin lens reflex which also came from eBay and this was its first outing. The lens that came with it was a 105mm D which is highly regarded so these are test shots to make sure everything was functioning as it should. Due to its age I wouldn’t have been surprised to find not a lot on the film but despite the contrast being quite low, there’s plenty of detail to be had.
[Tech info:] Mamiya C330f,, 105mm D lens, TMAX100 (expired 2004) film, processed in HC110 developer.


Howard with his Minolta APS camera and expired film.

Street musician, Brasenose Lane.

Bollard (bokeh test).

Radcliffe Camera.

Brooks saddle.

Corner of Walton Street and Little Clarendon Street. This is part of a big redevelopment project so I don't know how long this will be there.

Stolen bike sign, Liscious shop window, Walton Street.

Liscious, Walton Street, RIP. Another casualty of the redevelopment project on Walton Street.