This set of images were made earlier in the summer. I had scanned them a while back but only just came across them in my archives and realised that I hadn’t posted them. They are all from the same roll where I was testing out a new lens that had arrived. The lens is a 165mm for Pentax 67 and it’s nicknamed the ‘bokeh factory’, now I can see why 🙂
[Tech info]: Pentax 67, 165mm lens, Fuji Acros 100 processed in HC110 (1:64).

Natural History Museum, Oxford.

Natural History Museum, Oxford.

Natural History Museum, Oxford.

Natural History Museum, Oxford.

Anyone for tennis?

This man was unusually chatty and had grand ideas about what we see around us is all an illusion. Maybe he's watched The Matrix too many times?

This man stopped to say hello so I decided to make his portrait. He didn't say anything else.

End of exams celebrations.

I stopped this gentleman and mistook his digital camera for a film camera. He was very pleasant and we chatted briefly about my film camera I was using because he too used to use the same one. I decided to make his portrait even though he wasn't using a film camera.