July, 2011

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Oxford: Street style

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011


Sometimes you’ll find a lot of contrast between people on the streets of Oxford. These three images illustrate that quite well. During my lunch hours when I’m in town looking for visually interesting people to photograph there tends to be three category’s that the majority of people fall into; students, people that work in the city and tourists. It’s the summer holidays for Oxford university students at the moment and the city centre is overflowing with tourists. Hopefully there will be lots more street style to be found during the rest of this summer.

A well dressed tourist

A well dressed tourist

A cool looking student

A cool looking student

hip looking student

Very street

Oxford: Lunch hour session

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

Here in Oxford it’s the time of year where University students sit their end of year exams. For many that’s something to celebrate and let me tell you they sure know how to celebrate it here in style – with a trip to Tesco for some grocery shopping and then dumping the entire contents of said groceries onto a friend who has just finished their exams! It makes for a good photographic subject but it’s frowned upon at the higher levels of the university and students caught doing it can get fined £80. Some students that I came across pleaded with me not to photograph them for fear of being fined, so I didn’t. Others were braver and those are the ones you see here. I’ve delayed posting these images as a way of protecting them from a fine because exams are all over now and most of the students have gone back home for the summer.

[Tech info]: Mamiya C330f camera, Fuji Acros 100 film.


These outfits are called subfusc but I have no idea why.

Celebrating the end of exams

Celebrating the end of exams

Celebrating the end of exams

Celebrating the end of exams

Photographer holding an Olympus film SLR

Another film photographer

A photographer holding a Rolleicord film camera

Another film photographer